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Welcome to the world of One Thousand Trees!


A lot has happened since I first launched One Thousand Trees back in 2010. Since that time, I have spent a lot of time and energy trying to fine-tune my focus ... trying not to be and do absolutely everything (a difficult task as both an empath and a perfectionist!).


The perfect description of what I am honoured to do was the affirmation on my Louise Hay Daily Affirmations calendar on Monday, September 4, 2023 ... the day that I had slated to update my main website! (I love synchronicity!!)


"I work in creative collaboration with smart, inspiring people on projects that contribute to the healing of the world."


I have been doing this for over ten years, but now am really fine-tuning things. Someone once told me that I am "more than a publisher." I am inclined to agree. I am happy to help you get your books out into the world. It is important work, in my opinion. But my passion lies in helping you share your story, and speak your truth. For it is here that the true power, to change your life and the lives of those you touch, resides.


One of my favourite quotes is printed below. I have always felt most at home with those who have struggled ... with the "broken" and "imperfect" people. I am one of them.


I have always been passionate about mental health awareness and advocacy, having struggled with mental health issues myself in the past. Creativity is also a passion of mine, because I believe that we all need an outlet for self-expression. Animals, and being out in nature, are sources of joy that enhance my sense of wellbeing. And as a grandmother of four adorable grandchildren, empowering children to be the best they can be is also important to me.


I can help you get your stories out into the world, and I can help connect you to others who have the same passions/interests that you do. This is what brings me joy.

Broken Jug.jpg

There is a crack in everything.

It's how the light gets in.


Photo Credit: Margreet Kuypers

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