Brenda Wayne authored this book primarily to enlighten people as to what happens at death. It will also serve to enlighten people about the Greater Consciousness from which we all come, and to which we return. It is written based on Brenda's personal experience, but she knows that she is not the only person in the world that has had this experience; many other people have also, and are sharing their stories as well.
This is Brenda's story, based on factual events. She has also incorporated different events in her life that have guided her on her spiritual journey and that have brought her to this current place on her path. Additionally, she touches on different aspects of spirituality that may interest you to further your own education and enlightenment about all things spirit.
The main purpose of the book is to prepare those who are near the end of life or are terminally ill for the journey to the other side, and for those who they leave behind so that they may all understand the process and thus receive some comfort.
Brenda's hope, for anyone who does choose to read this book, is that it will provide you with enough information to intrigue you to want to explore and learn more about life after death, or life after life as we know it. It is real. Brenda hopes that it will also encourage you, the reader, to gain greater understanding of your authentic higher self, your soul.