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Below are some projects and events I am especially proud of!

Sharing: our stories, our selves, our success
I was honoured to have the first Sharing anthology displayed at the University of Guelph, on the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, at the University of Guelph

You Are Not Alone
I published this anthology in memory and honour of my father, covering all costs and donating all proceeds from sales to Hospice Wellington. In the photo is Margaret Brix, whose book I also published pro bono, and who donated proceeds to Hospice Wellington.

Wellington Basketeers
I donated copies of one of the Sharing anthologies towards Christmas baskets being put together and distributed by Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis.

Honorarium to High School Illustrator
Aletta, a high school student who illustrated a book for one of my clients, received an honorarium and certificate of recognition.

Angel Has Her Wings
Presentation at Guelph Humane Society. To my left are Peter Watson, writer of the original story, and Noah Nogueira, a 10-year-old who rewrote the story for the children's version. All proceeds were donated to Guelph Humane Society.

Student Illustrators Interviewed on Inside Guelph
Ethan and Jamison, two young illustrators of another Saplings children's book, were interviewed by Trish Stephenson on Inside Guelph.

Equine Assisted Learning
As part of Sexual Assault Awareness Week, I hosted a presentation on how horses can help survivors of sexual assault.

Quite Mohawk School
An elementary school in Tyendinaga that participated in a collaborative project to produce a book in support of the Napanee Animal Shelter. I am pictured with teacher Cathy Brant (middle) and assistant Lindsay Brant.

Stories on Stage
The crowd at the first Stories on Stage show, which I co-hosted with Rob Osburn of BNR Media.
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